COVID-19 Preventive Action Plan Factory 103

In a flexible and collaborative space, the most important thing will always be the safety of the community that cohabits it.

At Factory, the health and well-being of our members is one of the aspects that is most important to us in these times of health crisis. For this reason, we are informing you of the measures we have taken in accordance with official guidelines to ensure the utmost safety in our space.

We are taking care of our members more than ever so that they can return to a suitable, healthy, safe and comfortable environment, which is why we are sharing with you our post-COVID-19 preventive measures.

Hygiene and Cleaning Measures

Our entire community has received a “Welcome Kit”. Concerned about your health, we have decided to provide all members individually with sanitary material at our disposal, however, this does not exempt each of us from our responsibility to take care of hygiene in the areas and social distancing.

Automatic gel dispensers are available at the entrance, in the common areas and in the toilets as well as visible signage to remind us all of good practice and good use of the common areas.

Distribution of space

We have adapted the workspaces by increasing the 2-metre distance between workstations. Although we have always given priority to an open, spacious and livable area, we have re-designed the layout of our workspace and visibly marked the transit areas.

All common areas are completely open and accessible for your use and enjoyment, constantly disinfecting surfaces and bridging the established distances.
Access control

The hours established for access and operation of the reception will be from 10 am to 7 pm exclusively from Monday to Friday, which allows us to have greater control and registration of people outside the space.

Visits should be reduced as much as possible until further notice but are permitted. Visitors may only enter the space through the main entrance, must register at the reception desk, disinfect their hands, wear a mask and wait at the reception desk until they are accompanied by their host.


The meeting rooms are reduced to 50% of their capacity. The number of people who cannot meet in enclosed spaces must not exceed the marked distance.

The use of the kitchen and dining room must be respected according to the signage, i.e. no more than 2 people simultaneously in the kitchen. In the dining room we must sit in a zig-zag pattern to respect the established distance of 2 metres. Other tables may be used in accordance with the same rules.

In the event of any slightest symptom or doubt that you may be suffering from COVID-19, the Government’s mandatory recommendation is to stay at home to avoid possible outbreaks of the disease. If these symptoms occur during your stay in Factory, you can come to our reception where we can take your temperature and keep you informed of the helpline numbers.

We are making every effort to have everything necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. At the same time, it is everyone’s responsibility to act more than ever in the right way and as a real community that takes care of itself and of each other.

Everything is better together!